I’ll take a chance and throw one over to you and see if you throw it back 🙂 — Ever thought about whether the self could be thought of as a timeline? As if a thread traced our path / movement in 3D space as we progress / move across the time dimension. The whole of this 4D spacetime, which I’m proposing is unique to the experiencer can also be thought of as a slice of the 5th dimension, in the same way that an ultimately thin slice of a 3D loaf of bread is the whole of a 2D space. Following? Ok, so then if we could be thought of as slices of 5D, what would the next slice over be like? Well, “the next slice over” is a movement in across the 5th dimension, as the next slice over in 3D is another 2D space, and requires “moving” in the 3rd dimension to “select” it, right? And that next slice of 5D would also encompass an entire, unique 4D spacetime, right? While the next slice over could be entirely different, as one over from the last slice of a loaf might be outside the loaf, it’s probably similar, differing only slightly. As we all are vastly more identical than different from one another. Yet these slices are other selves that might be man, horse, bee, fungus or cyanobacteria. Anyhow, back to the dimensions… If the self is this timeline / spacetime / slice of 5D and each adjacent slice of 5D is a whole timeline / spacetime, then it seems as though selecting another position in 5D selects another timeline. If we think of these constructs as “pre-existing” or static and ever-present, the same way that all 2D slices of the loaf pre-exist and are there for the “selecting”, then selecting another timeline / spacetime by moving in the 5th selects a new past, present and future. Interesting.For the sake of exploration, what do you think about thinking of this movement in 5D as “choice”. So in choosing, we’re selecting from the infinite set of pre-existing timelines. Hmmm. Your turn.

Could the self be thought of as a timeline? As if a thread traced our path / movement in 3D space as we progress / move across the time dimension. The whole of this 4D spacetime, which I’m proposing is unique to the experiencer can also be thought of as a slice of the 5th dimension, in the same way that an ultimately thin slice of a 3D loaf of bread is the whole of a 2D space. Following?

Ok, so then if we could be thought of as slices of 5D, what would the next slice over be like? Well, “the next slice over” is a movement in across the 5th dimension, as the next slice over in 3D is another 2D space, and requires “moving” in the 3rd dimension to “select” it, right? And that next slice of 5D would also encompass an entire, unique 4D spacetime, right? While the next slice over could be entirely different, as one over from the last slice of a loaf might be outside the loaf, it’s probably similar, differing only slightly. As we all are vastly more identical than different from one another. Yet these slices are other selves that might be man, horse, bee, fungus or cyanobacteria.

Anyhow, back to the dimensions… If the self is this timeline / spacetime / slice of 5D and each adjacent slice of 5D is a whole timeline / spacetime, then it seems as though selecting another position in 5D selects another timeline. If we think of these constructs as “pre-existing” or static and ever-present, the same way that all 2D slices of the loaf pre-exist and are there for the “selecting”, then selecting another timeline / spacetime by moving in the 5th selects a new past, present and future. Interesting.

For the sake of exploration, what do you think about thinking of this movement in 5D as “choice”. So in choosing, we’re selecting from the infinite set of pre-existing timelines. Hmmm.

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